Why Not More?
A game should offer variety and excitement, much like video games, which captivate players with numerous levels, regular updates, and engaging gameplay. Unfortunately, many yard games are one-dimensional, leading to a lack of long-term interest. Some games do offer additional attachments to enhance the experience, but these often come at an extra cost.
Why should players have to continuously invest in new accessories to keep the game interesting? Coaster Toss breaks this mold by offering 22 games without any additional charges. Moreover, the majority of these games (15) require no attachments at all, and the remaining ones need only a minimal amount of extra equipment.
Stand Alone Games
Coaster Toss stands out by not relying on other yard games for variety. It offers 13 standalone games that require no attachments, not including the original Coaster Toss game itself. Additionally, there are 3 games that use just a few simple attachments for added fun.
Closest to the Wall
Object: To throw your coasters as close to the wall as you can without touching/hitting the wall.
Rules/Points: Closest to the wall wins the round. If someones coaster hits/touches the wall that coaster is out of play or dead. Players can hit coasters during play. May have to be smart where you throw. Play close to far, play it how you want.
2 teams; 2 players, more can play, have to split up coasters evenly. 8 coasters are needed
7 rounds, best to 4 wins.
Roller Coaster
Object: By rolling your coaster on it’s side try to get as close/on top of the target as possible can.
Rules/Points: Same rules and points as the original game. Play as close or as far as you want. Use the whole coaster toss set. Original game rules. This is the hardest game to play, it challenges the best players.
Curl Coaster
Object: By sliding your coaster on the plastic side to get in the house (curl target).
Rules/Points: Same rules/points as curling. Players will need to setup the house (curl target). Tape is the easiest way or drawing it. The house can be any size you want. Play the distance you want. This game must be played on a smooth surface. 2 teams; 2 players, more can play, have to split up coasters evenly. 8 coasters are needed
321 Coaster
Object: By throwing your coasters in the rectangle to get the most points possible. Throwing the coasters on the plastic side will make it slide where you want it. Throwing is on the rubber side will make it stick where you want it.
Rules/Points: Make a rectangle that is a foot wide by three feet long. Measure by using your coasters, they’re 4” wide. So 3 coasters is 1’ and all 9 coasters are 3’. Measure out point box 1, being 16” (4 coasters long). Measure out point box 2, being 12” (3 coasters long). Measure of point box 3, being 8” (2 coasters long). Players can determine the distance of play. Hitting coasters is part of the game. 2 teams; 2 players, more can play, have to split up coasters evenly. 8 coasters are needed. Best to 11 or 21 wins. Busting and cancellation are part of the game.
Water Coaster
Object: To make all your coasters float and at the same time sink the target. This is played on top of the water. The coaster are molded together and air tight they will float. Unless you get water on top of the coaster then it will sinks. Please play in pools, hot tubs, shore lines of ponds and lakes and or a shallow body of water (puddles). Make sure you can see the bottoms of the body of water, so you don’t lose them. Best played when the water is calm.
Rules/Points: Same idea as Coaster Toss but scoring is different. 1 point for landing the coaster on the water without it sinking. If it ends up sinking by the end of round you don’t get the point. 2 points for the closest to the target. 3 points for splashing water onto the target and sinking it. 4 points for landing on the target and sinking it. If the target sinks keep playing, players can get points by sinking opponents coasters or get more by landing it on the water. 2 teams; 2 players, more can play, have to split up coasters evenly. Use the whole coaster toss set. Best to 11 or 21 wins. Busting and cancellation are part of the game.
Sinking Coaster
Object: To cut the water with your coaster to make it sink, trying to get it close to the target, which is at the bottom of the body of water. Please play in pools, hot tubs, shore lines of ponds and lakes and or a shallow body of water (puddles). Make sure you can see the bottoms of the body of water, so you don’t lose them.
Rules/Points: This is played in the water. Play this game on a pool, tub, hot tub, shore lines of ponds, lakes, or shallow bodies of water. Make sure you can visible see the bottom. Drop/cut the water on its side and let it sink to the bottoms of the pool and see if it gets close to the target or on the target. Same points as the original game. Original game rules. 2 teams; 2 players, more can play, have to split up coasters evenly. Use the whole coaster toss set. Best to 11 or 21 wins. Busting and cancellation are part of the game.
Also great for throwing in the water and swimming and getting.
Island Coaster
Object: Getting as many coasters as you can on the island without having them fall off. Island is an elevated surface with no borders/walls to help.
Rules/Points: Island is an elevated surface. The hardest way to play is with a elevated surface that is a foot in circumference or one square foot. No borders/walls to help. This could be played on shelves, coffee talks, bedside tables, small tables, etc. Players can determine the distance of play. 2 teams; 2 players, more can play, have to split up coasters evenly. 8 coasters are needed. The player with the most coasters on the island wins the round. 7 rounds best to 4.
Stair Coaster
Object: Throwing your coasters on the stairs that are worth points. They this game on the top or bottom of the stairs. Top of the stairs is more challenging.
Rules/Points: Players need at less 6 stairs to play. Stand back as much as you can, make sure you have a little room to throw or 2-4 feet back. The step before the landing is 3 points (very last step). The next step is nothing. The step after that is 2 points. The next step is nothing. The step after that is 1 point. The rest of the steps are nothing. The point steps are always spaced out. 2 teams; 2 players, more can play, have to split up coasters evenly. Use the whole coaster toss set. Best to 11 or 21 wins. Busting and cancellation are part of the game. 8 coasters are needed.
Air Hockey Coaster
Object:Using the plastic side of the coasters. Players can slide the coaster (striker) around to hit the other coaster around like a puck. Just like air hockey. Have to get the puck through the net to get any points. Must be played on a smooth surface. 2 teams; 2 players, more can play, have to split up coasters evenly. Use the whole coaster toss set as need. Best to 11 or 21 wins. Each goal is one point. Play about 4-12 ft apart.
Rules/Points: Each player needs 1 coasters. The coaster is the striker. Use the plastic side of the coaster so it slides free, so you can hit the puck. For the net 2 coasters can be used. Use the rubber side of the coasters, so they stay put. The space for the nets are 20” (5 coasters wide). The net can be something else sitting around, if more people are playing. Grab 1 coaster for the puck, plastic side so it can slide. Same idea as air hockey; hit the puck with the striker to save the puck or shoot the puck. Puck has to go through the net to count.
Ultimate Coaster Frisbee/ Coaster Catch
Object: To throw the target coaster down the field to your teammates, without dropping it to get a point/touchdown. Very fun to play catch.
Rules/Points: Follow the rules of ultimate frisbee. The length of the field can be anything the players want, or the amount of space the player has. The end zone can be market of with the other coasters. Size to your liking. 2 teams; 2 players, more can play, have to split up coasters evenly. Use the whole coaster toss set as need. Best to 11 or 21 wins. Each touchdown is one point
Slide A Coaster
Object: To slide your coaster through the other players goal without touching the net posts. This game is played on a smooth surface. 2 teams; 2 players, more can play, have to split up coasters evenly. Use the whole coaster toss set as need. Best to 11 or 21 wins. Each goal is one point. Play 10-25 ft away.
Rules/Points: This takes 4 coasters to set up. Make a goal with 2 of the coaster. The other player does the same. Make sure that the coaster is on the rubber side so it doesn’t slide. Players can use other objects as the goal, if more people want to play.
They have to be 12 inches apart (3 coasters wide). Each player has 2 coasters (or 1 depending on the amount of people playing). Stand back behind the goal, about 2-4 feet). Also if both players want they can have a defense men, they only have one coaster to throw. Through coaster on the plastic side. The coaster has to go in without hitting the goal post to count. Best to 11 or 21 wins. Each goal is worth one point.
Coaster Frolf
Object: Reaching the target (hole) with the less amount of throws as possible. This is played outside.
Rules/Points: One person throws out the target as far as they want. Players have to throw it at less 30 ft for it to be a playable hole. The frisbees are the coasters. The players try to get to the target will the less amount of throws. 9-18 holes. Players chose the par of the hole 2,3,4,5. Hitting the target finishes the hole. Less amount of throws (strokes) wins. 8 people can play. Use the whole coaster set.
Coaster Golf
Object: Reaching the target (hole) with the less amount of strokes as possible. This is played outside.
Rules/Points: Grab a wedge and a ping pong ball. One person throws out the target as far as they want. Players have to throw it at less 30 ft for it to be a playable hole. The players try to get to the target will the less amount of strokes. 9-18 holes. Players chose the par of the hole 2,3,4,5. Hitting the target finishes the hole. Making it into the coaster cuts a stroke by one. Players can set up a whole 9 hole course with the coaster set. Less amount of strokes wins. Unlimited people can play.
Coaster Mini Golf
Object: Reaching the target (hole) with the less amount of strokes as possible. This is played inside.
Rules/Points: Grab a putter and a ping pong ball. One person throws out the target as far as they want. Players have to throw it at less 10 ft for it to be a playable hole. The players try to get to the target will the less amount of strokes. 9-18 holes. Players chose the par of the hole 2,3,4,5. Hitting the target finishes the hole. Making it into the coaster cuts a stroke by one. Players can set up a whole 9 hole course with the coaster set. Least amount of strokes wins. Unlimited people can play.
Toss the Coaster
Object: Toss the coaster back and forth without dropping it.
Rules/Points: There will be up to 9 team. Each team has two people. Start out 10 ft apart. Each person has to catch the coaster and move back one step. Games done when there is only one team left. Play it with both hands or just right or left to make it more difficult.
Sauce A Coaster
Object: To get the puck through the goal by passing it through or saucing it through.
Rules/Points: Each player needs a hockey stick. 5 coasters are needed. 4 as nets 1 as a puck. Set the goal up 12” apart (3 coasters wide). Use the rubber side of the coaster as the goal post. The puck use the plastic side of the coaster. The net posts can be something else if more people are playing. Passing the coaster through gets 1 point. Saucing the coaster through gets 3 points. Puck has to go in without hitting the goal post to count. Best to 11 or 21. Has to be played on a smooth and flat surface. Use the coaster set as needed.
Coaster Hole
Played on a corn hole/bags board. Same rules as corn hole. Just use the coasters. Be smart with your throws. Plastic side slide; Rubber side sticks.
Shuffle Coaster
Played on a shuffleboard. Just the coasters, plastic side. Same points and rules as shuffleboard. Throw or shuffle the coasters.
Coaster Jam
Play it just like Kan-Jam. Same points and rules. Just a little hard with the smaller coasters.
Beer Coaster
Beersbee game with coasters to make it more challenging. Games points and rules as Beersbee.
Ladder Coaster
Same idea as ladder toss but instead of getting on the rungs, players throw the coaster through them. In between top and middle rung is 3 points, in between middle and bottom rung is 2 points, in between bottom rung and the ground is 1 point. Other than same rules and points as ladder toss.