
How to play Coaster Toss

  • 2 or 4 people can play. Best to 11 or 21 (Cancellation is part of the game)
  • Play as close or as far as you want.
  • The loser of the round throws the target first. Anywhere they want to throw it. The winner of the last round gets to throw their coaster first. This is so the loser of the last round can have the last throw, or the honor system. Best chance to get points at the end.
  • The target can be hit and moved around by the coasters during the game to move it away from their opponent or closer the there coasters. Players can also hit each other’s coasters. This is to make the game more competitive and interesting.
  • Throw the coaster flat like a frizz-bee or how a professional corn hole player throws his bag.

The points Coaster Toss

The one closest to the target gets 1 point (if the same player has more coasters closer to the target than the other player they get more points. For example if player 1 has all 4 coasters closest to the plate without player 2 getting one of theirs to break up the grouping of player 1: Player 1 gets 4 points.)

Touching / leaning on the target gets 2 points (If a coaster is touching or behind the inner rings on either side of the target, the player will get 2 points.)

Past the rings/ to the center dot on the target gets 3 points (If a coaster is leaning/past the inner rings on the target, the player will get 3 points.)

Past the center dot/ to inner ring on target gets 4 points (If the coaster is over the center dot on the target or is to the inner ring, the player will get 4 points.)

On the target gets 5 points (The coaster is almost or completely on top or past the ring on the target) the player will get 5 points.)

Locked into target wins the game (They are designed to lock into each other. If a player throws their coaster and it lands on the target and locks into the groves, the player will win the game.)